Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Slice of life: Rhubarb pie

Today's post title to Lake Wobegon by Garrison Keeler if anyone out there can tell.
Just to let you all know, I just sneezed then started crying because I sneezed so hard. That's my day today. That's the weird thing about me. I like to think I'm a pretty happy person but I cry all the time without even being sad. When I sneeze, I cry. When I laugh, I cry. When I yawn, I cry. When I  put in my contacts or see people I like, I cry. Tears are pouring down my freckly cheeks essentially all hours of the day it seems. Just the other day in a class of mine, a friend said something funny so I started laughing really hard. I know none of my readers have probably never heard my laugh but I wheeze when I laugh. I sound like my lungs are collapsing. I also put my face in my hands when I laugh because I usually make this horrible face. So from an unknowing person's view they see me with my face in my hands, wheezing and shaking and tears gliding down my face. Someone actually asked me "Oh, Mandarin are you okay? Do you need to leave?" This made me laugh even harder. It was not a good situation, let me tell you.
That's all I've got for now, readers. I wish joyful and contagious laughs upon all of you, this week. Farewell

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