Thursday, December 3, 2015


Here's a picture of my fish guys. His name is Billy

Life has been pretty low key for me lately. I'm sorry for being pretty lazy with my posts recently- absolutely unacceptable of me (:.
I'm really excited for it to be winter. It's really one of my favorite seasons- I know I've talked about it before but here it is again. Not only is there now cute cold outfits, Christmas, holiday music, and shopping but it's also my birthday! December fourteenth I will be turning fifteen. Fifteen seems so weird a number to me like... after fifteen I'm turning sixteen. Then seventeen. Then eighteen. I've got to start driving at some point and get a job. I'll have to be more responsible and eventually have to actually get stuff done. I don't know if I'm looking forward to it or not. On one hand, there is maturity and having to work. But on the other hand I am closer to so much of what I want to achieve in my life. I want to do something that I love and get paid for it. I want to be a mom. I want to go on a mission and go to college. People tell me that these things seem so basic, but what's wrong with basics? No good style icon can get anywhere without the basics when it comes to fashion, so of course this rule applies to life! They are basics for a reason- because people have tried them and they just work. Of course, it is only fifteen. I'm not much closer to going to college or having a full on career. But I'm close enough and those things are always going to be my goals. Everything I do now is just leading up to 'the climax of my life'. So that's what I'm looking forward to this month. Also what I'm looking forward to in the next thirty years or so.
Have a good week, readers.

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