Suzy's wardrobe and makeup of course. It's set in the 60's. I love the 60's. The pastel colored shifts,bold eyebrows, bright blue eye shadow, and don't care messy hair- beauty at it's finest. I honestly wish I could walk around in pale pink, blue, and yellow dresses all day while trotting across my island, but alas. Michigan is a cold snowy devil all the time.

The quotability of nearly every line. 'I love you, but you don't know what you're talking about.', 'Jiminy cricket, he flew the coup' Honestly, who wouldn't want to put that on a t-shirt? That elevates Moonrise Kingdom closer to the ranks of movies like Nacho Libre and Napoleon Dynamite- the dialogue is so cleverly stupid you just want to keep hearing it.

It's actually pretty funny. Between scenes including Suzy trying to take down a former classmate and the khaki scouts talking about being men, I was laughing pretty hard (remember my silent, tear-streaked laugh?) It's clever. It's humor isn't the kind you would find in most movies- it's subtle, ironic, and at times completely ridiculous.
I'm not even going to start on the cinematography of Moonrise Kingdom. I won't be able to stop. This is a truly good looking movie. I'm glad I saw it.

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