Friday, March 27, 2015

Art Imspirationths

Yes, I spelled inspiration wrong on purpose. Mandarin here. I believe in my initial introduction of myself I mentioned that I wanted to be a graphic designer. I was reminded forcefully of that dream while picking out a highschool schedule. Dear gawsh the teachers are like "IF YOU FAIL A CLASS YOU WILL LIVE IN A CARDBOARD BOX DO YOUR HOMEWORK OR DIE!" but then when we all look ready to pee our pants they say "Oh, Don't worry it will be so fun! So many new people! Ehehehe! School! Teenagers!! ehehe..."
   Getting back on topic, I just wanted to mention a few artists and designers that inspire me and some of their work...

Chip Kidd


Alphonse Mucha

Jen Wang

 Jen WangJen Wang

Vera Brosgol

verabee You can't beat a Charles Worth gown - c.1887 (by Verabee) She has also done a graphic novel called 'Anya's Ghost'

Anna Cattish

anna cattish
Anna Cattish - sweet...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Music #3

Music #2

Music #1


Yes, I'm going to do a post on music
Yes, I'm copying this idea from a blogger friend of mine.
Yes, I have an awesome taste in music.
Here are a few faves.
Ack, compooters are done. Each song will be it's own post-please don't judge my grandmotherly stupidity to technology stuff.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

   Hello, readers.
How's life for ya'?
It's finally warming up, but it's not quite comfortably warm yet. It's more comfortably cold if that makes any sense whatsoever. The sun is amazingly bright right now which is tricking my brain into thinking "Hey, look, it's nice outside! Let's go outside!" So I will go outside, and sweet fancy goodness  nopenopenope nope no.
   So here I am. Sitting at my computer, Franky Valli singing something that can only be described as this: REALLY REALLY HIGH, STAHP TRYING TO SING IT MANDARIN!!  I really don't know what to say so.. LISTS!!!

Reasons why I would rather burn to death than freeze
1. Hey, to state the obvious, it's warmer.
2. I HATE being cold.
3. It would be quicker.
4. I could die in a place like Florida instead of the North Pole. Which sounds more entertaining to you in your last moments? Think about it

Best songs ever
1. Sherry by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
2.  Javert's Suicide from Les Miserables
3. Make em' Laugh from Singing in the Rain
4. Too dang many to list here!

Favorite Musicals
 1. Annie
2.  Les Miserables
3. Singing in the Rain
4. The Music Man
By the way, this is the two sides of blogging/ pinterest. Comment and tell me which you think I am

One I am and one I would like to say I am....actually I'm a mix of both XD


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Book

Readers, I am about to let you in on a wonderful secret. What is the secret?
The Book is a wonderful-phantasmagorical-everything-but-the-kitchen-sink-this-is-totally-a-run-on-sentence collaboration journal I do with some close friends.  Every day we pass around this notebook around, and to put it simply: we write in it. We draw in it. We pour out our souls through the form of pen ink (preferably Ink Joy) onto these pages. The Book was originally inspired by the book 'Choke' by Diana Lopez. In the book, a couple of friends share a top five lists notebook. We all read this and thought "Hey this would be cool." We did a practice kind of journal for a while, and that one has kind of disappeared. After I did that one, a couple of girls ( who are now two of my best friends) asked if they could do one with us. We weren't very close at the time, but it never at any point was awkward. We hit the ground running
 ( awkwardly of course, none of us are sporty...) That was the first book. Just yesterday actually we were at the mall buying Book edition 4.0. The Book is literally my favorite thing of all time. Want to start a book of your own? Follow these simple steps.
1. Find the People.
You probably need kind of weird somewhat creative people. These people don't have to be super close to you, just whoever you think of during this.
2. Get the supplies
The supplies consist of, of course, a notebook. Pens, food, pictures, collages, it can all go here. Occasionally my group will tape perfume samples to it, and then spend hours sniffing the book. We really don't care that people are staring really suspiciously at the awkward teenage girl smelling her notebook deeply. 
3. Heart Throw-up
This is the easy part. And the fun part. This is the part where your heart literally throws up on the page. Write, draw, be vulnerable, be awesome, be the bomb-dot-com you know you are. This book and all associated with it will accept it. 
And that is Mandarin's simple instructions on "How-To-Change-Your-Life/Start-a-book. Hope you like it.

Big Achievments

Hullo, it's Mandarin!
GUYS! Guess what I just realized??
1. We now have enough posts on here for the l ittle 'Show older posts' thing is at the bottom! That's a lot of posts, am-I-right??
2.  I am a blogger. Like, I can actually call myself a blogger now.
This is making me much to excited.
I wish I could get away with this, but school is a thing right now. This is my life as a writer

Sunday, March 8, 2015

My Mood right now

aww, love elephants.  They always look like they are smiling.Google Afbeeldingen resultaat voor for vintage tea cups at antique stores & thrift shops to gift to the bride-to-be after the showerHeroine Animal Allies: Peacock Power to Strut Your Stuff -- Amethyst Wyldfyre (Business Heroine Magazine)Amazon
An iconic shot of Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's©CinemaShop Home Theater Decor - Classic Chaselight Cinema Identity SignHullo! This is Amazon. I'm here to do a movie review. As I mentioned earlier I love movies and actors/directors. So in this post, I've decided to review Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love movies that were made in the 50's. They seem to just have a carefree light around them. Breakfast at Tiffany's totally displays this. Starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard. Hepburn plays  fashionable, fast talking, money seeking Holly Golightly. Even though in my opinion Hepburn played it perfectly, the director, Blake Edwards thought otherwise saying that she played it completely wrong and that he wanted Marilyn Monroe. Stupid Blake Edwards. Hepburn and Peppard work like a well oiled machine together making us all follow their suspenseful love story. My personal favorite part is when they spend the entire day doing things for the first time. their activities include drinking first thing in the morning, spend six dollars at the prestigious jewelry store "Tiffany's", and shoplift from a kids toy store. This hilarious drama is a good chick flick.Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard on the set of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Beautiful things




Hanging flower garland.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


    One of the things I want this blog to be is a mood board for whatever is currently inspiring me for the whole wide world to see. What is inspiring me right now? Mademoiselle Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. What a name, am-I-right? ( "And it rhymes!" says the inner "poet" in me) Raised mostly alone in a catholic orphanage and constantly harboring dreams of rising to fame and achieving grandeur, Coco was actually not all that much of a role model. She lied, dated married men, and considered herself fashion itself. Her arrogance was legendary. And yet, I can't help but swoon a little bit when I see some purse with an interlocking C's logo or when I see someone at school wearing a pearl necklace.

(Chanel bag)

(Coco wearing her signature pearls backwards)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why we love Welcome to Night Vale

 A quiet desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and strange lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome to Night Vale.
   Welcome to Night Vale is a self published podcast or radio show produced by Commonplace Books. It is a twenty minute news report on the strange wonderfulness of tiny town, Night Vale. The voice of Night Vale is the amazing dulcet tones of Mr. Cecil Baldwin who reports the odd happenings of Night Vale (such as a glowing cloud dropping dead animals on Night Vale) in a seemingly ordinary tone. There is a familiar set of characters such as Carlos the perfect scientist, Old Woman Josie who has angelic protection, and the much loathed Steve Carlsburg. Still confused? Think of it as the Disney TV show 'Gravity Falls' through the eyes of NPR.

    Have you noticed, dear readers, that there has been an uproar in stories about unusual things rolling into small towns? About the unordinary attacking the places we might be familiar with. Why is this? Because of this fact, readers: Most of us do not live in New York. Or Paris. Or London. We live in little places. Little places with maybe one main street. Little towns where everyone is familiar with almost everyone. And, I'm just guessing folks, these small towns are not usually visited by celebrities or host for world conventions. So the idea of magic piercing the normal that we percieve as daily life seems too goo to be true. And when things are too good to be true, we like to pretend to live them. That's why I am in love with so many fictional characters. Night Vale is exactly this. An escape (and a good one too!) from reality, even if it is just twenty minutes.

The voice of Night Vale, Cecil Baldwin

   So, readers I encourage you, delight in magic. Spend a little time somewhere other than here. Download Welcome to Night Vale for free on iTunes.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Best things to listen to on a Lazy-Butt day

  You know those days? The days where you don't do anything, and neither does the world? The days where you are totally ok with sitting on your floor and doing nothing? These are called Lazy-Butt days. This is my perfect playlist for a Lazy-Butt day like today.

1. Welcome to Night Vale (podcast)
          by Commonplace Books

 2. You and I
      by Ingrid Michaelson
 3. Dawn (go away)
       by Franky Valli and the Four Seasons
4. Beneath your Beautiful
        by Labrynth
5.  Patron Saint
    by Regina Spektor
6.  White Teeth Teens
        by Lorde

7. Be my Girl
       by John and Jacob
8. Sh-Boom
      by the Chords
9. Everything at Once
    by Lenka

Bonjour toute a la monde! (hello everybody)
Hi, I'm Amazon or as my sister earlier referred to me as " the tall one." I'm here to also introduce myself. PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON ANY OF THE INFORMATION MANDARIN GAVE YOU ABOUT ME! SHE CANNOT BE TRUSTED! I do not deny that I am tall though. I like the color blue, and not the blue you're thinking. I'm talking deep royal blue. I like to read, like my sister, but movies,actors, and directors are what I love. Mandarin and I are also into art. I can speak french and want to go to France (who doesn't?). I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, music. It's probably
Add ca(ption
the greatest thing on earth.
     Some of my fave T.V. shows are Doctor Who, Sherlock, and all cooking shows. My fave movies are all Marvel movies, Gone with the wind, Singing in the Rain and Breakfast at Tiffany's. My favorite books are Gone with the Wind, Harry Potter and the Maze Runner series. Plus I listen to Night vale. I'm in all the fandoms.
 Oh well. That's all I have to say. Tall One's out!



      Hello, folks! Welcome to Prism! Prism is a blog that my sister and I (Mandarin, and Amazon) have started because, hey, blogs are cool, right? Keep in mind that we have never done a blog and our sole instructor for how to do this is our dad, so bear with us.
 Just to introduce myself a little bit: I am Mandarin, co-founder of Prism. I like the color green, books, and I  am aspiring to become a graphic designer. Kind of an awkward duck, Mandarin also often finds it amusing to speak in the third person. I am also obsessed with all things steam punk, platypuses, or both, if there is such a magical thing out there in this universe.

  Also keep in mind, readers, I am not the only one. This is just my little 'Howdy there!' monologue. You will hear from the other one, Amazon, in another post. She's the tall one. Thus, the Amazon.
  Our vision for Prism is a blog that literally goes anywhere we want. I won't be able to stick to one subject, my ADD will not allow for that. Books, movies, music, opinions, whatever we are currently thinking about, it will all go here. Of course, starting this, we have no idea if people (other than relatives, we love you.) will actually read this or give a crap. I hope you give a crap. Your crap is important to us, and we hope you appreciate our crap.
So thats it for now. I hope you enjoy it. Till the next post!
(Oh, goodness, I wrote my first post! I did it! Aw yissss)