Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hannah times 2

 I got together with some of my favorite flute friends and we went to the local community garden to see their Christmas walk. It was super fun and festive. The problem was both of  them are named Hannah so I would say "Hey Hannah, I have a question" and they would both say what. I felt like I didn't match.

I told them to make a creepy face.

Reindeer! They were really cute
Hannah Baker and Hannah Jackson, my lovely flutes

This is soap, folks. But it looks like CAKE

They hid behind the trees
Hug a tree

I'm on the right in the Kermit hat
We held up a whole group of people in order to get this picture right

There were lanterns making the shape of a star but I'm too short

A pond in the green house
Christmas tree in the green house

I want these
coincidentally there was a flute choir there! We told them we were flutes from the high school and they let us stand in the front to watch! I seriously want an alto flute now.

Miss Jackson and Claire- more nick names

Super cheesy but whatever

I asked some lady to get our  picture. Thanks for nothing, Miss I'm too busy chattering with my friends to take a decent picture.
Hannah#1 looks like she is conjuring something that is not of our world

The bridge over the water was incredible!
I hope you all have friends willing to stop every five minutes to take pictures, readers.

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