Friday, April 22, 2016

Things we like: Through the Woods

Through the Woods is the creepiest thing you will ever read. Creepier than those Scary Stories to tell in the Dark books you read when you were eight. Creepier than the spider-things from Harry Potter. Creepier than the way your sister sleepwalks (don't get me started...) Author Emily Carrol's genius  has crafted an anthology of spooky short graphic novel form stories that honestly make you frightened for whatever is beyond the night light in your room.

Featuring several creepy little ghost/demon/what-even-is-that stories, this is the graphic novel that you wouldn't have wanted to read that one night. You know the night- the one you were actually scared during. The art is a perfect compliment to the stories- well-done, unnerving, and bizarre.

Do we suggest this book to you? Yes. Do we suggest that you weep over the art like I did? Yes. Do we suggest showing this to your six year old sister. No. Please do not.
Bean's not on to me yet, but I'm frightened, readers.

Greetings from the busy life

Greetings from the busy life, my busy life, this life sucking me of time to write and sleep. Hi-ho friends. Sorry I haven't written in so long. I have been simultaneously too busy to write, with rehearsal running so late, and also leeched of all the energy and thought required to make a quality post. I'm feeling better though. I hope I can get back more regularly.
Rehearsal is going pretty well. I'm only in three songs in the whole show, so I've been spending my time knitting! My favorite grandmotherly pursuit! It's my goal to finish the scarf I'm making before the show ends, and then on closing night, I will have the whole cast touch the scarf. It will be my show scarf and I will always remember my exhaustion, sweat, injuries, cracked singing voice, and tears when I look upon it's soft burgundy/maroon image. I will upload pictures of it soon enough- I think I will add tassels. Tassels are fun to look at and play with.

anyway. I have to leave- I hope I can return soon!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Hey, guys. How is the life going.
I'm going to be on my way to rehearsal pretty soon, so I just wanted to add a quick post. Things are going pretty well- better, at least. I came up with an idea for a comic I like. I've been thinking about the things that are me, or the things I like. I think my interests are receding into the ones they were when I was a bit younger, like seventh and eighth grade. I'm going back to my 'fandom-is-life' roots and 'let's-just-draw-all-day-okay' phase and 'clothes?-what-are-clothes-? I-will-just-dress-like-some-hipster-because-yeah!' mode. Yeah, things are weird. As soon as I reach the point of these interest and am like "oh gosh what have I become" I start 'rematuring' into my eighth and ninth grade phases. Like this:
This is a horrid chart, I am so sorry. Anyway, I advance through middle school into high school and things are chill. Then suddenly, it's all gold jewelry and red lipstick like eighth grade. Then? What's lipstick, I just want to wear Doctor Who pins and draw fanart!  THEN? I don't even know what this present is, just that one day this very moment will annoy me.
Listen to me. Talking on about time and personality. Silly me, no one knows what you are talking about.
Anyway. Anyway. The show is going well, I'm still just a village chorus girl. When they were asking for our name and role to put on our t-shirts, I was seriously thisclose to asking them to put "Actually I prefer drunk lady in the back of the tavern" on my shirt. That's honestly my largest part, and boy do I rock it for being a mormon fifteen year old who has never drunk anything heavier than a Vernors. I, sadly, didn't do it and now my t-shirt will simply say 'village girl'. I will try to get a picture of my costume soon, guys. *for non-Michigan people. Vernors is Michigangster styleginger-ale.*

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Style Crush: Anastasjia Louise

Anastasjia Louise- not only an owner of the coolest name in the world, but also one of the most beautiful people too with her blue/black hair, signature red lips and cat eye, and full bangs. I probably can't sum up her wonderfulness much better than her Youtube description:
Self-help |  Vegan  |  Self-expression  |   Guidance  |  Adventures  |  Healing  | 
Spirituality  |  Beauty(unconventional) 

Spreading Love and light to all living things! 
Her creepy cool vintage style is absolutely inspired, and all of her photos have cool 
backdrops, interesting editing and the possibility of being one of those things on 
Pinterest that circles around until literally everyone has it on one of their boards.
You know those pins. Here she be:
Anastasjia Louise: Anastasjia Louise: Anastasjia Louise:  
Anastasjia Louise:  Anastasjia Louise: Pinterest // @palewolf_:  
 Anastasjia Louise: Anastasjia Louise: Anastasjia Louise: 

The Show of all shows

This is it, friends. The post about the actual show. I won't spoil any details about the plot (other than the fact that it is tearful and intense) but there will be pictures of the people you love so much.
We were walking around in front of the theater where it was going to be held, and then we started seeing them. People wearing lab coats, and eyeballs drawn on their foreheads. People with colorful hair and light-up shirts. People talking about... glow clouds and hot scientists. That's when I knew we were where we were supposed to be. Besides a few creepy people, you could feel the same sense of kindred spirits that you could at comicon. Everyone just loves what they love and they want to love what they love, and it's mutual. We were all there because we loved Night Vale, and we silently bonded over that.
We also bonded over Cecil Baldwin, Meg Bashwiner, Disparition, and Symphony Sanders. Beautiful humans, all of them.

Anyway, I promise Cecil's head isn't that blindingly white in real life. Symphony's costume gave me slight discomforts- what with her playing a thirteen-sixteen year old girl and all. Oh well, you be you, girl.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Architecture of Detroit

Detroit is an old city- especially down in Corktown. Corktown is where some of the first Irish immigrants came to Detroit and settled down and made all of these cool little houses and roads. Not all of these are from Corktown, but most of them are old, decaying, and beautiful like the rest of Detroit.

The Graffiti of Detroit

This is one of my least favorite/favorite things about Detroit. On the one hand, defacing private property is never good and not all of it is the most wholesome art. On the other, some of it is strange and beautiful and a wonderful way to express the spirit of Detroit. Here are some of my favorites:
This one and the next three are all a part of the same Detroit strength mural- it was huge

We have been considered many things; a city in decay, a city in distress, and without hope...However, we have never given up and we never say die. We are born fighters, we rise from the ashes. We are a community that believes in our future despite whatever anyone throws against us. WE ARE DETROIT!
fun creepy eyeball
You have to look pretty closely to see it
Where I belong, according to Amazon. Thanks, fren
Doodle inspired wall section

This was found in an alley next to the dupster
This and the next picture are part of a two wall mural
It was bee themed
Chill cat, salty rat, magical waterfall

So many eyes

my spirit animal