Monday, December 28, 2015

Slice of life: Definitely NOT pumpkin

I hate pumpkin pie. Quite a lot. I don't apologize- I tried it again this Thanksgiving to give it a second go, but no way jose. That's not the life for me.
I woke up semi-early this morning so I could get some posts done before I have to be responsible. I actually kind of like waking up early. I've been waking up at 5:19 a.m for the past 4 months or so, and I've gotten used to it. Though I'm not a fan of waking up before the sun, I like watching it rise on the ride to seminary. There is honestly nothing like waking up early, wrapping up in a blanket or hoodie, having some herbal tea, and just watching stuff happen outside. I would be outside right now if it weren't freezing. It's reported that there is going to be a huge sleet storm coming our way. Not looking forward to that.
It's that time of year where there isn't really time. The days fade in and out of each other. Honestly, most of the time I forget there is even a month that goes on after Christmas. It just seems like there is Christmas itself, then bam. New Years. Or that's how it should be. This time is often forgotten. It's like a black hole that no one remembers beforehand or afterwards. But I will spend this limbo time well, I hope. I don't remember what I've done during this time in the past (if that doesn't prove my point...) so I'll just make something up. I'll come up with a project or hang out with friends or just hang out with my family or something.
I'll have to be going soon. I hope all of you readers learn to spend your time well.
this is the top of my book shelf, compete with gravity falls action figures, the tenth doctor, a tardis teapot, a nativity retablo,and a yarn fringe that I made.

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