The tights- Opaque red tights with EVERYTHING! Under capris, over lace up heels, under dresses and skirts- EVERYWHERE. I used to have a pair of tights like this and I would wear it with everything (not under pants though) and I literally wore them to their holey run ridden demise. These ones are fun, and I like how they compliment every other color in the show. It's like 'How to wear red rights 101'

The collars- I'm a button-up shirt kind of girl. I like them patterned, plain, colorful, neutral- they just suit me. I like wearing them alone, under cardigans, and under sweaters. This is an aspect of the show that really struck me- all the clean-cut and patterened button-up collars!I love it when I see something that I haven't created that is just me- it makes me think that other people are really weird too, and that if they can make that weirdness a good thing, so can I! Bask in the glory of these collars, friends.

The teapots- I don't know why, but those teapots are just so cute! I had a tea party for my 13 birthday, and every girl who attended (not many did, but it was magnificent) got to take home a little teapot that I had thrifted somewhere. It makes me remember that, which makes me smile, so I am sitting at my computer, alone in the silence of morning, grinning over little teapot icons on dresses.

The bags- SO. CUTE. Adorable little lunch bucket like clutch/purses with images of old books and Japanese cartoon characters? Yeth. Yeth please. I have a metal lunchbox with Wonder Woman on it, I may have to use it as a purse soon.

Would this collection please make it's way to my closet now? Thank you
Have a tight week, readers.
Get it.
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