My lovably ugly nerd loafers that I want to wear everywhere |
It's spring break now, friends! I'm not really going to be going out of town, so don't worry- I will always be here to whisper to you through words you maybe don't want to here. That's just what I will do for you.
Since I'm not going anywhere, this is my plan for my days of freedom:
1. Read- Anything I can find in the house. I've already finished the books I got from the library (100 years of Fashion Illustration and Serendipity's Footsteps) so I will just hole away into my favorite gray bucket chair and read my hours away.
2. Blog- okay, duh. You guys are life. liiiiiiiife.
3. Not go outside- Of course, on the day before break starts, we get this huge snowstorm thing that gives us another snow day to suffer in while we should be out smelling flowers that are probably dead now. Thanks, nature. I know you've always got my back for a good time.
4. Working on Personal Progress- personal progress is a program-thingy that happens through the Young Womens program at my church. You do guided service projects, self improvement stuff, and learning stuff. It's pretty cool, and for one of my projects I'm making posters of all the Young Women values: faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice & accountability, good works, integrity, and virtue. I'm going to theme the posters by decades. 1920s art deco, 1940s WW2 propaganda, 1960s rock and roll posters, etc. I'm pretty excited to start. I'll upload pictures when I finish.
So that's my plan. Here is some inspiration for my spring break uniform.

Nature's breaking my heart.
(Get it. Cause spring break)
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to see those posters! I flippin love your blog so much, it's so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to see those posters! I flippin love your blog so much, it's so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I will post pictures eventually- thanks for reading, friends! I ACTUALLY ADORE ALL OF YOU