What is something that has bee done before? Talking animals. What is something that maybe hasn't been done before? Talking animals portraying and predicting social and political situations while still being funny. And it has been done.
This, readers, is Prism's third movie review. I'm pretty proud of that (You have to celebrate the little things, you know?) If you can't already tell, this post is about Zootopia, the latest Disney animated beauty.If you also cannot tell, I'm kind of blown away. Let me break it down for you ( I will alert you with any spoilers- **)

1. Symbolism- This was a civil rights movie. This was a feminism/ equality movie. This was a movie on racism and stereotypes. But not everyone knew that- Bean, for example, did not see the subtle political references in nearly every character. (That's okay she will learn) There is symbolism of a woman's place n the workforce with the lead, a bunny named Judy Hopps, as much as there is symbolism in the twisted mayor's use of fear of race to political advantage (Sound familiar?) The idea of certain species being more dangerous and less trustworthy because of a few distrurbing and frightening causes is similar to our own modern day situation of Islamophobia and the distrust that surrounds Muslims because of Isis (yes, the real world has breached Prism.)The answers to both situations are: Judy the bunny is a success. She's as hardworking, if not more than any other guy on the job, and proves herself like a boss-queen. People figure out that everybody isn't everybody- judgement of people should not be based on those around them. To put this plainly, it's an incredibly smart and subtle movie.

2. The characters-Actual movie talk stuff! The characters in any movie, book, t.v show, comic, or WHATEVER needs to have a few qualities.
1. They need to be relate-able in some way. Maybe you aren't a fox wearing a tie or a
bunny with purple eyes, but you can probably relate to being bullied at some point
for being yourself.
2. You need to care about them. You probably care about them because you relate to
them. It's all related here. You want these characters to succede and have a good
3. They need to have depth. No good characters have lame backstories, and if they do have a lame backstory, it gives them purpose anyway! Their actions are fueled by
thought and memory as much as it is for any of us humans. The characters in
Zootopia? If we liked them, we
liked them and wanted endless sunshine in their
lives. If we didn't like them, we
did. not. like them and wanted them to live in a
sad hole forever.

3. It's still a kids movie. It's funny! And clever! And referency! I won't spoil anything, but I will tell you to look out for Frozen, The Godfather, and Breaking Bad references. It's all there, folks. They take a serious message, wrap it up in some funny lines, then deliver this clever little package of thoughts and giggles. It's genius.
And that's our third review (
takin' care of buisneeeess)