The things I like most about Lorde's music is the honesty of it. Not just that it is a form of pop music that isn't pop music, but the fact that she is writing from an honest teenager's point of view. It seems like very few singer/songwriters write anything these days about what it is honestly like for their demographic. Their audience may be teenagers but they write about parties every night, and falling in love, and all these things that probably most teenagers don't experience. Lorde writes about what being a teenager with her newfound fame is like. She keeps it real. Here are my favorite song lyrics.
"I'll let you in on something big, I am not a white teeth teen. I tried to join but never did."
White teeth teen? A white teeth teen is just a better said word for the seemingly perfect who wander this earth. Sure we strive to be like them, but in the end if it's "in the blood" and we don't have to be it. We can be what we want, and I admire that she sets herself apart from the other 'perfect' celebrities. (White Teeth Teen)
"We've got a million bad habits to kick, not sleeping is one." Besides the fact that I usually hear this song when I can't sleep at night? "Maybe the internet raised us, or maybe people are jerks" (A world alone) Nuff said, this just adds to my argument in the support of hand written letters and face to face contact (I say as I type on a computer)
"Only bad people live to see their likeness set in stone, what does that make me?" (Still Sane) Still Sane is one of my favorite songs. It's (from what I can tell) is from the perspective of her loving the life she had and the one she has while trying to keep it together. It's that vulnerability in the song that makes it so lovingly honest- she doesn't want to be like those others.
I promise this is the last one; "I've never felt more alone, it feels so scary getting old" This appeals to all forms of getting old. I'm only experiencing the self doubt of high school right now, and having to worry about earning money to save for a mission and college, and eventually learning to drive. Getting older is scary for Bean because she told me she doesn't want to grow up and have a deep voice like me. Growing up is scary for Amazon, she starts high school this year. It's lyrics like this that are kind of ominous but the songs aren't sad. It's a melancholy, like even though it's expressing a fear there is this underlying idea that it will be survived. That's what I like about it.

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