Claire's Flower crown, DIYed ART headband from Deb, Target t-shirt, second hand earrings |
I'm actually in Detroit (or a suburb of it) right now visiting family. It's always cool to come down here- this is where I spent late kindergarten through the middle of second grade before we moved to Illinois. Some of my favorite sites are, of course, our old house. It had a blue swing set out back that was SUPER cool and was right by the grade school where I was in one of my first little talent shows. The bridge to Canada was cool- Detroit is one of the only places where Canada is south. Me, my dad, and Amazon always loved the Detroit Institute of Art (We simply called it the DIA) It was my first and favorite art museum and I have a distinct memory of how on Friday or Saturday nights the DIA would have a craft night for kids. It was around Halloween and the DIA had set up a station where you could design sugar skulls for Day of the Dead. It was super spooky (Ha) and is one of my favorite memories. There was a golden donkey statue in the basement, and we loved it so much we named it Wilbur, I think. Somewhere in downtown Detroit there was this little mexican restaurant where the family would go often. It had great authentic stuff, and there was always a stage for live music, but never any live musicians. Amazon and I, every time, would get those Jarritos sodas. We would drink them, peel off the wrapper, and walk around with our empty bottles clinking them together and talking into them to make our voices echoey. Those were the days. Those memories are so distinct. I can remember the music that was popular then. I can remember the little inside jokes Amazon and I had. I can remember my first grade teacher's name. I'm glad I still remember it.

Have a spooky week readers.
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