It's February and I am lamenting the weather. It's rainy and icy and sort of green and springy looking, but all that green and springy looking is still wet and cold. Sigh.
I've been trying to combat the ugliness outside with looking at super bright art, and wearing multiple colors at once. I have pushed aside my monochromaticness for a little while in the name of my sanity.

I have made it a goal of mine to do something creative in nearly every waking hour of my day. This excludes seminary, getting ready, and dinner. Besides that, in my classes I will doodle a little bit, maybe write a poem, color something with highlighters, etc. Just enough to keep me inspired but not enough to distract me the way I was 24/7 in seventh grade. *shudder*. Seventh grade.
Forget seventh grade, readers. You will feel better
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