The magic of having laptops in school; when finished a math test you can type up a post.
I haven't been writing very much lately. I've been putting posts up, but they haven't really been anything that contained substance or required effort. I could come up with an excuse, but I don't really have one, to be honest.
Sure, I've been busy, but I haven't been any busier than I am any other day of school. I just haven't been that creatively inspired; it's been getting better, but I just go through these droughts of absolutely no ideas. Then, like a dam breaking, it all comes forth, and I scrabble to get everything down on paper so I can use it during a drought. Like water storage, but much less 'important.'
Math class means my teacher being mad about us not answering questions. It means awkwardly sitting next to someone who used to be my best friend , but is just a friend now. It means sitting in the corner after I've finished my homework, either drawing or stalking Rookie Mag or doing this.
If you can't tell, I'm in a pretty melancholy and existential right now. As I sit here in this perfectly ordinary moment, all I can think about is when I will long for moments like this. Small, obscure, comfortable in it's teenager uncomfortableness. Just a regular day.
Regular days are what I'm focusing on, really.
Too many sometimes, not enough other times. There is never really a 'just right' amount of regular days. We are always either bored or overworked.
But I feel like this regular day just feels better than they usually do. The cloudy sky seems prettier, my classes seem more refreshingly mind-numbing, I'm more at peace and satisfied with my role as a high-school nobody than I usually am.
What makes an exceptional regular day? Is it the acknowledgment of it? Do I have to be aware of how normal it is to enjoy it?
Maybe it's just in the air.
Not much other news today. I'm a part of the National Art Honors club now. Band is simultaneously getting better and worse. We had a sub who looked like this guy;
Have a regular week, readers.
I'm sorry that you are feeling so blue, and I hope it gets better for you. If you ever need to talk, let me know (: