1.The Local Fair- neon lights, creepy/cute music, evening sky darkening, meeting that person that you used to know but now just don't really care about on accident, the booth arrangements, roller coasters and rides. dusty pink, pale blue, bright red
2. Firefly catching- dusk air, old people sitting on their porches, lights seen through lace curtains in windows, old t-shirts
3. The arcade- more neon lights, being with people even when it makes your stomach hurt to be with them, playing the same game 10 times, pink, electric blue, neon green, black, pale pink,
4. Drive in movies- complete with 1950s wear, saddle shoes, bright screen, pinks, reds, whites, occasional black or blue, flippy pony-tails, leather jackets
5. The Diner- red leather seats, silver lining, midnight, blue, red, black, silver, white, 60's music playing, being there for no reason with a slice of pie and a friend

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