Saturdays are weird days. It feels like the week should be done at Friday during the summer, but the one extra day is tagged on before it is Sunday, the only scheduled day of my week ( Reason #143 why church keeps me sane) Still, today was pretty good.
We went to the planetarium in the next town over and saw, not a show on space, but a show about coral reefs with creepy animated fish. There was another show where we were on a 'space roller coaster' that was making me dizzy beyond belief. Amazon and I bought some astronaut ice cream. It's surprisingly good, guys.
We walked around for a little while, but got pretty tired of that pretty quickly since it is 5000 degrees out right now (no, I'm not exaggerating that, you try living here) It was the perfect day for freeze dried ice cream.
Anyway, to apologize for this short/weird/boring post, here are some aesthetic pictures.
*today's aesthetic is: Scooby Doo style mystery on an even more mysterious beach*

"Reason #143 why church keeps me sane" SAME, SISTA. 😄👌😊