Hello, folks! Welcome to Prism! Prism is a blog that my sister and I (Mandarin, and Amazon) have started because, hey, blogs are cool, right? Keep in mind that we have never done a blog and our sole instructor for how to do this is our dad, so bear with us.
Just to introduce myself a little bit: I am Mandarin, co-founder of Prism. I like the color green, books, and I am aspiring to become a graphic designer. Kind of an awkward duck, Mandarin also often finds it amusing to speak in the third person. I am also obsessed with all things steam punk, platypuses, or both, if there is such a magical thing out there in this universe.
Also keep in mind, readers, I am not the only one. This is just my little 'Howdy there!' monologue. You will hear from the other one, Amazon, in another post. She's the tall one. Thus, the Amazon.
Our vision for Prism is a blog that literally goes anywhere we want. I won't be able to stick to one subject, my ADD will not allow for that. Books, movies, music, opinions, whatever we are currently thinking about, it will all go here. Of course, starting this, we have no idea if people (other than relatives, we love you.) will actually read this or give a crap. I hope you give a crap. Your crap is important to us, and we hope you appreciate our crap.
So thats it for now. I hope you enjoy it. Till the next post!
(Oh, goodness, I wrote my first post! I did it! Aw yissss)