Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Things we like: Twent one Pilots

Here is the story of me and Twenty one Pilots: Imagine a girl. She likes music. Her sister likes this one band. Her sister's music tastes generally don't appeal to her. She isn't important yet. While on the way to school, the girl hears a fun, creepy, and hauntingly catchy song and demands information on it. Lo and behold it was the very band that was coming popular at the time. Gosh dang it, with the girl's hipster tendencies she can't like something popular!
Anyway I asked Amazon for info on it, and have decided to tell the world of my new love. This post is also a post on the 'fake fan epidemic'.
1. Maybe it's the sound- the genre-less blur that resides on the pop radio station and in every emo child's heart, maybe it's the lyrics- the contrasting nostalgic and sometimes morbid words that you just want to memorize it; whatever it is, it's the perfect combo for now, whether that is a good or bad thing.

 Because it kind of works for everyone, everyone likes it. This is a clash of the 'cultures'- the emo music kids who so violently protect their music, and the 'basics'. I'm going to say this now; I love emo kids, but...
Y'all often misdiagnose. Not wanting your precious hipsterness to leak into the rest of the world, it's hard to see something you love make it's way to the radio and the ears of people 'unlike' you. The diagnosis is 'fake fan'- a person who acts like they love and are knowledgeable on a topic, when they are miles from it. Note- a fake fan is NOT a person who doesn't know the name of the fourth album's third song. A fake fan is NOT a person who has only heard 5 songs.
I think the way to look at it is this; isn't it fun when you see a person wearing a shirt with your FAVORITE thing's logo on it? You freak out a little, then just want to be their friend?
It's popular now- so many new fans to be educated and watch grow! So many old fans for them to share wisdom- it's a big family with varying levels of obsession from 'just getting into it' to 'sold soul to'.
Now, fellow fans, I am off to soak my ears in 'Twisted Up' for the next two hours.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Howdy folks. This post will be pretty short-I'm doing it one-handed.
First news- I had my first successful marching band game as a mellophone! I have bruises, sore limbs, and have lost my voice but... it was amazing. The mellophones have a tradition of toasting to Mello-Yello during the 4th quarter so I had my first can as well. I don't usually drink caffeine so I crashed pretty hard afterwards. Worth it.
  Now the bigger news (and the reason I'm doing this one-handed) is that I hurt my hand. I was babysitting my friend's little brother and cousins- we were having a good time, playing video games, messing with the dog and I decide to make dinner- macaroni. I've made macaroni a million times. I begin boiling the water. All is well. I put in the noodles. All is well. I begin to add the cheese packets and milk. All is well. It's when I began to add the butter that things went wrong. It was frozen and I was trying to use a butter knife because hey, it's butter, right? It didn't work and I ended up at my friend's sink with blood all over my hands, the macaroni half made, and a huge cut on my middle finger.
I got 5 stitches in the end, and Amazon have come up with a series of jokes called 'Shock Thoughts; your brain when it thinks it's dying.' After Amazon's bike accident about a year ago, and last night, we have lots of material.
Shock Thoughts; Your Brain when it thinks it's dying
1. " They're going to amputate. I just know it."(Amazon)
2. " Give me your shirt I'm going to make a nifty tourniquet."(Amazon)
3. "So that's what the other side of my skin looks like."(Amazon)
4. "I've made this sink look like I murdered someone in it. Ha ha like I cut off their head. Ha ha"(Me)
5."Ah blood. Ah. AH."(me)
6." I know what I'm doing. I'm a girl scout."(Me)
7. " I left the knife in their sink. OH GOSH I LEFT THE KNIFE IN THEIR SINK THE BLUTTER KNIFE"
Have a safe week, y'all.                                                                                                        

Monday, August 22, 2016

I'm With The Band

Hey , guys. I may or may not blog at all this week- just a heads up. It's band camp; that all-consuming, energy sucking, great time that will probably drag me away from the computer and from you guys. Just to let you know.
So that is my main news of today- band camp. I'm pretty pumped; I really enjoyed it last year, and now I'm not a freshman so I'm sure it will be even better.
Before I go, I wanted to talk about a little bit out-of-date collection. I was on the Vogue website again- looking at Ready-to-Wear collections (which are kind of my favorite) and I came across the 6397 2015/16 fall/winter collection! It's been called too trendy and casual- but I really think it's bold and confident of a designer to make a collection so simple, without too many frills or excess. Here are the main things I liked:
1. The Shirts- the cool layered, not skin-tight, plain t-shirts were probably the best part. It adds a tomboyish look to the rest of it; very casual and not high maintenance while still looking great.

2. The pants- cuffed skinny jeans and low-rise black/khaki skinny menswear pants? Sounds just like my wardrobe- probably why I'm so attracted to these looks. It makes it even more casual, while still making the look a bit more feminine. There are few things better than a classic pant look.

3. The Beauty- The messy slicked back hairdos, the fresh clean skin, and bold eyebrows are inspiration for a look that anyone could wear any day- and probably without even trying. I'm definitely going to cut back on my makeup and opt for something more like this.

This collection, at times was maybe a little trendy- but really, even the classics in fashion are a tad trendy. There is almost nothing that isn't trendy. If I were to have an issue with it, it would be about the repetitiveness of some of the looks. But I really don't mind.
Seeya' folks. Hope your week is great!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Fair

The fair in town has been going on this week- it's a huge event where hipsters, wolf-shirt wearers, and others alike all spend time together eating fried food, then shaking it up on The Himalaya ride. It's true community bonding. I went with the same group of friends from that one birthday party shoot I did a while back. They're all cute, and the fair is pretty aesthetic, so I'm pretty proud of these photos.
I got there late- they were all already on the ride, and I just watched. It was hilarious

I had bought tots before this, and we were desperately trying to eat them all before we got on. We didn't eat them in time so we had to give them to the ride operator while we went on.

I'm not up there.

I didn't have enough money for a wristband, so I bought tickets. Everyone else in the group had wristbands, so I got into a bunch of rides free because the operators assumed I had one too.


We went up to a person at a game and asked "How much would it cost to just buy a stuffed Squirtle off of you instead of winning it?" "One hundred million dollars." "You're funny. That's out of my budget. Bye"

Another one where I was saying "WAIT WAIT"

This was my favorite ride.


Abby's model face, more MaGgIE

That one girl in the background who looks so unsure.

It was perfect lighting


I didn't notice Abby back there until I  had edited the photo at home this morning

Jenny, fire haired Jenny

Jenny and Chelsea

Chelsea being a fire-corn

This one is one of my favorites

We were in the ride, and I was squawking at Maggie "MOVE OVER A LITTLE BIT I NEED A QUICK PHOTO PLEASE"

This was a good ride too

Abby was dancing

Right before I left

As I was leaving

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Vogue helps Fachun

Fachun is Fashion. You know.
This year, after having a 'clothes reawakening' in my soul, I realized I didn't know what was going on at all in the latest designs. I don't consider it super important to always be caught up, but new seasons mean new inspiration. Being the super tech-y smart person I am, I just typed 'Spring/summer 2016' into Google and let it take me where it took me.
It took me to Vogue's website.
Have I been living in a hole? Why didn't I know that you can literally find any designer's stuff on here? So, yeah. That's what I've been doing. I was worried that I wouldn't have any ideas for fashion posts, now I'm worried that I have too many. Anyway, here is the first one that I absolutely loved.
Zimmermann-Pre  Ready-to-Wear
This collection can really be described only as pretty. Really pretty and delicate. I've never heard of Zimmermann before, actually, until I went on the website. Here are my thoughts;

1. Texture- if this collection has anything, it has texture. Flowery and flowing ruffles and stiff structured panels contrast terrifically. Filmy fabrics, sturdy beachy fabrics, and all other kinds of fabrics (I wish I knew the names of more) keep the muted color pattern from getting monotonous.

2. The Colors- There are few colors that I will never like. I thought I would always hate the color orange in fifth grade, and now I love it! While I'm usually more of a bright color kind of girl (think Kate Spade or Gucci) this muted palette is beautiful and flattering. These ruffles and patterns and designs would almost be too much if they had been placed in a color palette like that- the colors and the textures compliment each other. I also just really like the beachy aesthetic of it with the drift wood and almost swim-suit coverup aspect of some of the dresses.

3. This wasn't a perfect collection. While they might be nit-picky, there were a few things that I personally did not like. Some of the designs just went to far away from the main aesthetic to mix with the others. It didn't match.

 They match each other, but nothing else.
That was my main issue- the other was just my distaste for the beach hats. We get it. It's supposed to be summery. The hats just take it too far.

Besides that, it was a beautiful and pretty collection that kind of makes me wish we were back in St. Ignus by the beach.
Have a pretty day, readers. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

St. Ignus: The Playlist

thugs in a hotel
St. Ignus was the small town that we stayed in on our trip. It's on the Upper Peninsula and is one way of getting to the island- just across the water. It was small, and cute, and surprisingly shabby for how expensive it must be to live there. It's home to really good stores that sell pasties and fish and fudge, bookstores, ferry rides, bike rides, and The Mystery Spot (which I will talk about later) Anyway, when you see an aesthetic, one cannot just turn down it's chance at an accompanying playlist.
1. Teen Idle- Marina and the Diamonds
2. Gravity Falls Theme Song
3. Run Wild- Laney Jones
4. Blue Lips- Regina Spektor
5. Fireflies- Random Forest
6. Meet you at the gate- Jayne Trimble
7. White Teeth Teens- Lorde
8. Moving On- Paramore
9. Small Town Moon- Regina Spektor

The Trip pt. 1

Howdy, guys! We're back, and we are no tanner or summery looking. Filled with more fudge, but that's just what happens when you go anywhere touristy in Michigan. There were beaches just about everywhere, which surprises a lot of people I guess. Despite the fact that four of the five Great Lakes are in or touching Michigan, no one from other states who hasn't been here really believes that there are so many beaches- it's a pretty 'tropical' place in the summer.

'tropical'. It was weird how cold it was. I ended up buying a Mackinac Island hoodie that I didn't take off the whole trip.
I don't really have much to say. I'm still pretty tired from getting back so late. Sorry for the boring post. Have a good rest of your week, guys, in this tropical Michigan weather.

Friday, August 12, 2016

No Cars

Howdy, guys! We're off to go to Mackinac Island today- therefore, no posts for the next two days. Despite the fact that I have lived in Michigan for close to 5-6 years, I have never been to Mackinac. I'm pretty excited- I will bring back lots of pictures. Probably too many.
Anyway, just a heads up to where I will be. Have a good rest of your weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Style Crush: Charlie Barker

Charlie Barker  on Instagram: “my fave jumper ”: Charlie Barker; the Instagram favorite whose posts look more like works of art has drawn me in with her colorful hair recently, to the world of colorful grunge. I first saw her, not online, but in a Teen Vogue article about her recent rise to fame and becoming a model. I liked her hair, I liked her style. Check it out.
#charlie #barker #charliebarker: Charlie Barker  on Instagram: “me n my girls lookin like a girl band ”: Charlie Barker on Instagram: “Lost my girlfriend on the tube shout out if u see…: charlie barker is to dye for: charlie barker is to dye for: Charlie Barker on Instagram: “Eyo I'm alive !!”:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Howdy guys.
Waking up 'early' gets harder every morning. Of course, I can do more stuff and get things done, like this, but there is also the fact that I am simply not functioning as well in the morning. My typing sucks, I get distracted, I spend what feels like a few minutes that turns into hours just staring at blank sheets of paper.
Anyway, here is a playlist that has no other real theme other than 'wake-up'
1. Ride- Twenty One Pilots
2. Carried Away- Passion Pit
3. Oh No!- Marina and the Diamonds
4. Venus Fly- Grimes & Janelle Monae
5. Electric Love- BORNES
6. Radio- Santigold
7. Didn't Know You-  Karmin
8. Sweet Ophelia- Zella Day
9. Best Day of my Life- American Authors
10. Folding Chair- Regina Spektor

Monday, August 8, 2016

Ending Summer Aesthetics

1.The Local Fair- neon lights, creepy/cute music, evening sky darkening, meeting that person that you used to know but now just don't really care about on accident, the booth arrangements, roller coasters and rides. dusty pink, pale blue, bright red
2. Firefly catching- dusk air, old people sitting on their porches, lights seen through lace curtains in windows, old t-shirts
3. The arcade- more neon lights, being with people even when it makes your stomach hurt to be with them, playing the same game 10 times, pink, electric blue, neon green, black, pale pink,
4. Drive in movies- complete with 1950s wear, saddle shoes, bright screen, pinks, reds, whites, occasional black or blue, flippy pony-tails, leather jackets
5. The Diner- red leather seats, silver lining, midnight, blue, red, black, silver, white, 60's music playing, being there for no reason with a slice of pie and a friend
/: Me in our hotel room in Iowa, presumably thinking some very deep thoughts. Vintage dress.:  : //: photography- incredible shot: /:  : #brandyusa:  : The 60s Bazaar: /: Welcome To Collinwood: